I can help constituents with a wide range of issues but, in many cases, others are best placed to assist. Read ‘How I can help ‘ to ensure I am the right person to contact.
MPs only deal with enquiries and cases on behalf of their own constituents. Make sure I am your MP before sending your enquiry .
If you are a constituent and you feel your issue would be better handled in person, get in touch to request an appointment .
Please choose the issue you need help with:
Select an issue Immigration (status, applications, ability to enter the UK) Passports (delays) Housing (eviction, quality, suitability, access to) Health (including mental health) Welfare (changes in benefits payments and entitlements, disability allowances) Employment (issues with employer, dismissal) Community issues (crime and anti-social behaviour, safety, neighbours, noise) Our streets (dirt, noise, traffic, planning) Schools (access to, issues with) Transport (quality of public, congestion, policy) Public services (initiative under threat) Bills (unfair utility bills, council tax) Request an appointment with Matthew Something else (my issue doesn’t fit into one of these categories)